I no longer want to know where the missing socks go.

I’ve moved on to a much more sinister mystery. Whenever I leave the house I am sporting two (nearly) matching eyebrows.

However, upon my return, more often than not, I have but one.  Where do all the eyebrows go?  Are they wandering around Central Maine lonely and scared?  Or getting into trouble?   I hope no one can trace them back to me.

Maybe I should have gone with a unibrow ?    


  1. Lori · July 3, 2012

    That’s funny, thanks for the laugh. I actually saw some temporary eyebrow tattoos in a magazine. It said they last up to a week, but I’m sure your real ones will be back soon. 🙂


  2. Sandy · July 3, 2012

    he-he Thank God for humor and your great sense of it!


  3. Heather · July 3, 2012

    I truly laughed out loud. You made my day!


  4. breastcancerat40 · July 3, 2012

    Oh I remember my trials with making my eyebrows…..once I finally got it down to an art, they grew back!


  5. The Presents of Presence · July 4, 2012

    You made me giggle ~ thanks I needed that! ❤


  6. eddiesandcurrents · July 5, 2012

    My hair is coming back very well, but those eyebrows sure are slow. I’ll be glad when I have a pair!


  7. Jen (Sturtevant) Meus · July 15, 2012

    Ha. Relateable. Just as the hair begins growing the final chemo brows shed some more!? Hope your final pair are beautiful!


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