The Big C

Just finished season 2 last night. Anyone else watch?  I love the show, but it’s not terribly realistic.  For that matter neither is Breaking Bad, which is next on my list. Without giving away too many spoilers.. has anyone undergoing cancer treatment ended up socializing with their oncologist? Been told the only way to know if the chemo was working was by the severity of side effects?  Been asked to speak to a roomful of residents and told them all off? Attended their own funeral?  Run a 26 mile marathon after only 2 days of training while your blood counts are in the toilet?  Started manufacturing meth?  I feel like such a slacker and I’ve only got a little c.  I need to reexamine my life and do something really big. Or not.

On my own cancer front, I’m about halfway through radiation with only some slight pinking (pinkening?)  of the skin on my side.  I was told to put aloe on the “area of radiation”. I was not, however, told how large this area would be. That would have been good information to have from the beginning.  The area I have been treating all along is fine.  All in all, that’s my only complaint and it’s a minor one.  I missed a week of treatments and then the tech who I had been seeing daily was on vacation for a week. When she came to take me back on Monday she walked right past me and then returned a few moments  later for me. It took me a few minutes to realize she hadn’t seen me without a wig or wrap.  I’ve retired them for good.  And my eyebrows! They literally came in overnight. That was kind of weird. I have eyelashes again too. Little stubby ones, but nice and thick and full.  A return to normal, or at least a new normal.


  1. Denise · July 26, 2012

    My eyebrows literally came in overnight, too! It was SO WEIRD! One day I didn’t have them, the next, they were there! Glad you mentioned this!!


    • mainelyhopeful · July 27, 2012

      When my oncologist asked What’s new? like he always does I said “eyebrows”. Then he launched into an explanation of facial hair growth. And here I was thinking it was magic 😉


  2. Tracey Baptiste · July 26, 2012

    I’m still waiting for my eyelashes to recover, and it’s been nine months. They’re there. But they’re still so stubby. 😦


    • mainelyhopeful · July 27, 2012

      Mine are quite stubby, but are definitely thicker than they were after years of mascara and curling. There’s a lesson here somewhere but damned if I know what it is.


  3. Patricia Ouellette · July 26, 2012

    That’s awesome news about the return of the eyebrows & lashes! Hopefully the larger pink area id helped by the aloe quickly.


  4. eddiesandcurrents · July 26, 2012

    I still only have a few eyebrows, and I finished all treatment at the end of April. I’m envious of yours! I’ve been sending extra good vibes to you. You’ve been through so much. Much more than someone should have to deal with.


  5. tinajuvonen · July 27, 2012

    Hi, just had to respond to the Big C comment. Well,no to all of the above questions although my oncologist did blow a couple of kisses at me last time so that’s a step in the right direction, and I do get hugs too, so? But, I too loved the Big C, laughed my socks off infact. I really loved the episode where her husband askes her if there might be a little sex in the offing and she went shoping at the “TOY” store. I think all the characters in this show are really well defined I can hardly wait to get my hands on season 3.
    All the best Tina


    • mainelyhopeful · July 27, 2012

      When I saved Season 3 in my Netflix queue I accidentally saw a huge spoiler. Hopefully the chemo brain will knock that out of my head before I watch.


  6. gozzygirl · July 27, 2012

    I’ve seen the first season of The Big C. And if my oncologist had a better personality maybe I would socialize with him. As it turns out, my onco nurse did say that you know if tamoxifen is working by the side effects. THis was in response to my wanting to be tested first to see if it would work for me. I was told the same thing about chemo … if your hair falls out that means it’s working. I think it’s something they say to make you feel better about having side effects.
    Great news about your eyebrows and eyelashes. It was so liberating going out without a wig or hat when I was done. Sometimes it’s been frustrating how long it’s taken for everything to grow back … a bit like watching a kettle boil. But eventually you get there.


    • mainelyhopeful · July 27, 2012

      My oncologists and surgeon are all great but I really don’t want to have dinner and drinks with any of them. I think I have a little PTSD from the way we met 😉 I was told quite emphatically that the lack of side effects had no bearing on how well I was responding to treatment. On the other hand, I know of people that had horrific side effects and did not have good results from the chemo overall. We’re all so different.


  7. Susan · August 10, 2012

    I understand that you are now experiencing that new normal. This experience has a way of staying with you. I also would never have dinner or drinks with my oncologist. The two just don’t go together. I love your blog!-Susan


  8. judiththomasberg · August 10, 2012

    Oh my, I’m apparently as ignorant as they come, I had no idea there was a series about Cancer, on which channel is that? Well…. don’t bother 🙂 , it sounds rather insincere.


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