A royal fuss

So much angst over Kate Middleton exposing her breasts in public. And by public I mean any place a high powered lens can invade your privacy.  Last week it was Harry’s ass.  This week Kate’s breasts. Why does it seem like this is so much worse?

The magazine who printed these should simply photoshop pink ribbons over Kate’s nipples and call it a PSA, just in time for the pink washing of the world that was formerly known as October.  God knows, we need more fun pictures depicting breast cancer.  Kate will be redeemed and the magazine can cash in on breast cancer.  Win/win.

Here. They can use my ribbon. It even comes with a pretty little chain of daisies.  Fun and feminine!


This makes me think of how breast cancer awareness ads always show perky young, blemish free (heavily photoshopped?) breasts and when someone dares show what a real breast with cancer looks like in an effort to educate women it’s deemed “shocking” and comes with an accompanying warning.  Really? A warning?