What color ribbon does imaginary cancer get?

In the news over this past week there have been two stories of women who faked cancer for monetary gain.  One  who faked breast cancer will be spending a year in prison with her new implants.  Hope it was worth it. In a conversation recently about this I suggested she should have been sentenced to a few rounds of chemo.  I wanted to suggest making her volunteer in a breast cancer clinic, but can you imagine being a patient with actual cancer and having that around?  I’m guessing it wouldn’t end well.  Then yesterday I saw another story about a woman faking bladder cancer.  This one got a wedding paid for by friends and family.  She was ultimately turned in by her own sister who was worried about her niece and nephew. Can you say “emotional abuse” boys and girls?  Another one back in April got her dream wedding after lying about having leukemia.

Scamming is nothing new, but scamming your own friends and family?  And letting them believe you are dying?  I can’t wrap my head around it.  Less than a week after I was diagnosed we got word that someone who I have long considered family had ovarian cancer. I can honestly say I cried over that more than my own diagnosis.  I prayed for her and asked everyone who offered prayers for me to do the same.  I asked after her often.  Ultimately it came out that it was a lie.  I wish I could say I was stunned, but I had been suspecting it for a while.  I am relieved that she is not sick. I’m happy she will not leave behind a son and grieving parents.   I kind of tabled my reaction because I was fighting my own battle and because I honestly wouldn’t know what to say to her family/friends, but now I don’t mind saying I am beyond pissed. Yes, I know it’s not really any of my business. No, I wasn’t personally affected, but someone who I love deeply was.  This person was devastated by the news that two people he loved had cancer and he couldn’t do anything about it.  He was living and working in another state while his heart was here. While I was downplaying my own struggles at the time out of a desire not to cause more stress and anxiety for those I love, she was taking the other road… causing needless stress and anxiety. I don’t know what her motive was. I don’t know if there was a pay off.  It really doesn’t matter at this point.  Some things can never be undone.

Sometimes people just suck.


  1. decisionsformyfamily · September 29, 2012

    The one woman’s own daughter believed her mother was very ill, how sad! Some people really do just suck!


  2. The Presents of Presence · September 29, 2012

    It just adds insult to injury don’t you think? Why in the world would you want this? I mean, they must think it glamorous to lose every hair on your head, be sick all the time, worry about your own health and what the stress is doing to yourself let alone your loved ones, not to mention endure surgery, pain, medications and illness that doesn’t relent.
    I liked your idea of making them endure chemo! 🙂 And baldness to boot! Nice idea huh? I agree with you! xo


    • mainelyhopeful · September 29, 2012

      Yeah, those new boobs should have come with a free head shave at the very least.


      • hopeforheather · September 29, 2012

        Or a free shave of something else that wasn’t done carefully!


  3. Denise McCroskey · September 29, 2012

    Oh, my this is unbelievable…unfortunately I do believe it. I had a tenant who told friends and family her 6 yr old daughter had a rare form of cancer to get out of financial obligations. I absolutely LOVED your theory that they should be sentenced to some rounds of CHEMO!! Perfect!!


    • mainelyhopeful · September 29, 2012

      How a mother could put those words out in the universe about her own child…oh man


  4. hopeforheather · September 29, 2012

    I’m…speechless. And that never happens!


  5. Lynne (Patricia) Milton · September 30, 2012

    That really is sick – I don’t even tell most people that I have cancer – try to spare them from having to come up with something to say.


  6. Scorchy · September 30, 2012



  7. gozzygirl · September 30, 2012

    As a breast cancer survivor, I just don’t understand why you would want to fake it. If it’s not for monetary gain, maybe it’s jealousy about the support/attention other cancer patients (i.e. you or I) received during their treatment? I like the idea of making them have chemo or have
    them donate their hair for wigs for other cancer patients.


  8. bethany · September 30, 2012

    Greed. Attention. Money. No conscience. Karma will do it’s thing.


  9. Tracey · October 1, 2012

    I agree that the punishment should be a few rounds of chemo. That’ll fix them right up. Having gone through this, it’s the absolute worst thing I can imagine.


  10. erinambrose · October 3, 2012

    Yep, I vote for the chemo punishement…several rounds!


  11. judiththomasberg · October 11, 2012

    You and everyone else here has already said it, “How freaking sick!!”
    And I agree let them experience the treatment and see how they enjoy that poison!


  12. pinkunderbelly · October 12, 2012

    Unbelievable. Let the great karma wheel spin right on top of them.


  13. tracyawillis · October 14, 2012

    I’m sure all of us who received a positive cancer diagnosis wished our consultantas were faking it, that we didn’t have the disease and didn’t need to endure surgeries, chemo and radiotherapy as well as a lifetime of uncertainty/uncertain lifetime. People who fake having cancer are no better than tapeworms!


  14. Trina Schilling · October 25, 2012

    So sick, so sad.


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