Sunday funnies

Ever since I was a little girl I have loved reading the newspaper. I always start with the comics and work my way to the front page, Sunday being the holy grail of funnies!  Some old favorites have come and gone and some should have retired years ago, but I still read them. After I spent yesterday watching the entire Mildred Pierce miniseries (over 5 hours!) then choking down some bland chicken chow mein for dinner, I went to bed early feeling a little rocky and the feeling lasted all night. Not really sick, just blah.. I hate taking antinausea medication because it makes me sleep the day away. But I hate feeling sick even more. When I got up I decided to try and settle before I took anything. I honestly couldn’t tell if I felt sick or hungry so I tried eating.  It took me over 40 minutes, but I ate a muffin and a cup of coffee and was starting to feel okay. While playing fast and loose with my gastric juices I read the paper. I started out with a little Garfield and Peanuts, Hi and Lois, For Better or Worse.. all the old favorites. Then bravely ventured through the paper, finally making my way to the front page where much speculation is being made of Senator Olympia Snowe’s decision not to run for reelection. I have the greatest of respect for Olympia and wish her the very best.  There was yet another heartbreaking article about a little 20 month old girl who disappeared from our small community just before Christmas.  There is much speculation about what happened to her and very few answers.  A lot of mudslinging amongst family members and other members of the community. Sad, sad stuff. Of course to get to the front page I had to take a stroll through entertainment and sports, local news and the editorials.  On the entertainment front I am anxiously awaiting Mad Men! The wait has been far too long. I check out the new movie reviews weekly, but don’t ask me why. I rarely agree with the critics.  Sports? meh..Then I tried to read the editorials but honestly how much more can be said about the GOP vagina monologues that has not been said already?   Rush? Really?  It would be funny if it weren’t so damn predictable and distasteful. As much as I miss the funny papers of my youth, I’m really not interested in a one way ticket back to the 60’s.  Thanks anyway, boys.


  1. Carina · March 4, 2012

    A lady who appreciate comics. Alright! 🙂


  2. Candida Abrahamson PhD · March 4, 2012

    Look–they say humor makes a huge difference in health (I posted my research today), so just getting those funnies out and making the effort is worth something, even if things always get de-railed by politics! Find another way to yuk it up today, minus GOP anger–seems like it can do a world of good. Best, Candida


  3. alwaysyelling · March 4, 2012

    The GOP Vagina Monologues? GENIUS. I now have a mental image of Rick Santorum performing “The Flood” and it makes me less rage-y.


  4. valerianfields · September 9, 2012

    GENIUS says it all. This is just funny!


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